Using stacks and queues to make a reverse polish calculator

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Here's a quick lil assignment I did which makes use of stacks and queues for a postfix notation calculator. Fun stuff

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Professional Issues and Risks of Computer Systems

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I have to admit, this isn't the most interesting topic when it's out of context, but when it's applied to real life situations it is crucial to get it right. I made a few pages of condensed notes that may be of interest to some people, regarding the general practice of how risk is measured, managed and reduced.

I know many computing and IT degrees now include modules relating to this, so I hope this is helpful to some of you.

Click here to go the the site.

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Router Configuring, Patching, Port Forwarding and Loads more massive servers on a Monday Morning!

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So today I caught the Oxford Tube at 0630, to spend the day working for a company that sets up and maintains networks in some of the trading firms in Mayfair London. There had been a big changeover of hardware over the weekend, which had caused problems,  and the firm contracted to fix this didn't have enough staff to fix something on that scale while casing minimum inconvenience to clients.
Got to say, I learnt quite a lot about how all the network stuff I've read about is actually used in real world and large scale systems. Also really enjoyed seeing all the fancy Mayfair London offices, and not to mention getting a days pay ;)

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Exercise Lightening Strike - Royal Signals

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The Log Race
Just got back from Ex. Lightening Strike with the Royal Signals at Blandford Camp, where there were 20 UOTC and DTUS teams competing in a series of stands and a final race. It was a great opportunity to see what the different units within the Signals do.

One of the more memorable stands was  the 216 Parachute Signal Squadron - the log run. For our team this was a bit more of a challenge as there were only 6 of us, as opposed to the other teams that had 10.
The Final Race

  There was a final race with a series of challenges, including dismantling and reassembling an SA80, sending messages with flags, downing part of a ration pack (no joke), and a lot of running. 

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